A Distinct Voice
In my last post I mentioned that the church's mission can't be reduced to or totally co-opted by any mere worldly movement or ideology. We co-labor with many people, movements, and institutions yes, especially for and with the marginalized, but we are always also to have a distinct voice coming from distinct motivations and with distinct ends in mind. I said this in response to many of our congregants who are asking for continued guidance on a faithful Christian response to all that is happening in our world, especially concerning issues of systemic racism and work for racial justice. I would like to continue providing resources in the weeks and months to come.
For today, I want to start in some foundational places, and that is simply to share that God and the Bible do very much care about systemic injustice throughout the world, and particularly the form it has taken through American slavery and ongoing racist structures in our country. To get to where God wants to lead us, we need to walk a path that looks something like this:
1) Understand God as the Just One, the Judge who's salvation is to undo all that is un-right-eous in our world and restore shalom.
Keep up the fight. Keep the faith. Maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. God is with us.
Be All Manner of Well,
Pastor Jamison
